

Health and safety is embedded within all levels and functions of Stellar operations to ensure that we team quality Candidates together with Clients who are committed to providing safe and healthy workplaces.

Our Stellar team pairs with Clients to ascertain how we can assist their business through provision of quality placements. Our processes ensure we find only suitable candidates to put through an intensive screening and vetting process, confirming that they are an ideal candidate to meet the Client needs. Our compliance requirements are audited to ensure that both Stellar and our Clients select a quality placement.

Stellar’s commitment to health and safety ensures that Clients are reviewed prior to placement to confirm they have suitable systems of work in place and are strongly committed to the Health and Safety of all team members at their workplaces.

We complete ongoing monitoring activities to confirm that all parties continue to fulfil their requirements and obligations to the other in a safe and healthy workplace.

Our commitment to health and safety is evident through our attainment of ISO45001 certification, and more recently the addition of our Stellar Star, which can be seen on the sleeve of our uniforms. The Stellar Star details a simple risk assessment approach on each axis, is multi-coloured to represent diversity and inclusion, and has the word ‘team’ under it. Team is a strong theme at Stellar, we put this word here as a wellbeing and support focus to remind our staff that they are a part of someone else’s team and that they have people on their team also, including Stellar.

Safety Certification

ISO 45001 Certified

Report an incident or a hazard

The Stellar Safety Star

As the majority of our Field staff work in environments where personal risk assessment tools are adopted & implemented by our Clients, we designed the Stellar Star to represent each element of a simple risk assessment approach.

Stop - and think about the task ahead

Identify any hazards (things that can lead to harm)

Assess any risks - what could happen or go wrong

Control the hazard so that is does not result in harm

Proceed & monitor the controls you implemented are working well

Combined with this, the word TEAM under the Star is a reminder of the importance of both being on someone else’s and having other people on your own team to positively impact social, physical and mental health and wellbeing.

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